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You save time and money - take a biometric photo conveniently without leaving home



Digital photo within a few seconds or printouts shipping to your home


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Baby Passport Photo for British Passport - Size & Requirements

Width: 900 px
Height: 1200 px

1 dpi

Image definition parameters

Head height: 55 %

Top of the Photo to Top of the Hair: 15 %

Is it suitable for online submission?

Is it printable?

Background Color


How to take a photo?

Body-camera distance

Posture: Straight ahead

Even lighting on both sides of the face

Passport photo for baby

Taking a photo of your precious child can sometimes be a difficult process, which is why taking your baby passport photo at home is a very good idea. Visiting a professional photography studio can be both an expensive and stressful experience, for both you and your child. This is why taking the photo at home is the best idea, as your child will be comfortable in their own home and you won’t have to worry about your child crying or screaming loudly due to fear or stress.

There is an even better way to make the entire experience as stress-free as possible and that is by using the services of PhotoAiD, on our website you can upload the photo you have taken at home and take the first step towards getting your child’s very first passport.

Depending on how you wish to apply, either online or in person, depends on the type of photo you require and how many, if you decide to apply on paper with an application form then you will need two identical printed photos, however by applying online you will only need one digital photo. When it comes to the requirements for a baby passport photo the rules are a lot less strict than they are for adult photos, which means it is even easier to get the perfect photo for your baby passport than it was for you.

Baby passport photo requirements

When it comes to applying for your child’s passport it is obvious that you need to take a brand new photo for each baby. The requirements for your baby passport photo, whilst less strict, must be adhered to. Unlike with adults, children under one do not need to have their eyes open for the photo, and children under 6 (six) do not need to look directly at the camera or have a neutral facial expression. Very young children are also allowed to have their mouths open, as it can be difficult to get them to close them for their baby passport photo. However, they are not allowed to be holding any toys, nor are you allowed to be in the photo by holding them.

Passport photo for a baby – validity

When submitting digital photos, you must provide a new baby photo, which means that it has to have been taken within the last 30 days. If you are not applying online and submitting a paper application, then you will need to print two identical photos that have also been taken within the month prior to the date you mail the application in.

Baby passport photo online size

The required size for a digital infant passport photo is at least 600 pixels in width and 750 pixels in height and it cannot be less than 50KB or more than 10MB. Try to make it the best quality you can manage, so that they are not pixelated.

Baby photo quality

The photo must be in colour, so as to show the natural skin-tone of the baby. If you are scanning a photo, for digital submission, you must ensure that the photo does not have any scratches or printer dots. The photo you choose to use must be clear and in focus. When it comes to digital alteration, of any kind, this is forbidden except for situations where the background is being adjusted or the photo being cropped, but to do this you should use the PhotoAiD app or website, to ensure it is done correctly.

Print baby passport photos near me

If you want to use a paper form to apply for a newborn’s passport, you’ll need to prepare 2 (two) identical photos. One of them will need to be countersigned (‘I certify that this is a true likeness of [title and the full name of a child who is getting the passport].’ and their signature and the date under the statement). The person countersigning the baby passport photo must have known you for 2 (two) years, be able to identify you as a friend or neighbour and be a UK citizen. You can obtain your photos by uploading them on our site and by choosing to have them delivered to your current address.

Baby passport photo requirements for printed photos

Both photos must be identical and have 35 mm in width and 45 mm in height. They also have to be printed on a professional, high-quality photographic paper, either glossy or matte. The oval of the face has to be centred and facing the camera. Remember that the baby passport photo cannot have any shadows in the background, which has to be white or off-white.

General requirements for a UK baby passport photo

Children have to be alone in the photo, but you can support the head of your baby with your hand (only if it is not visible in the photo). Your infant cannot be holding any toys or other items. There should be no items visible in the photo, for example a blanket or a fragment of the child’s bed. The face of the baby should be exposed entirely and centred in the photo. The background should be neutral, white or off-white, so it is recommended that you take the photo from above when the newborn is laying on a bright plain bed sheet.

How to take a passport photo for a baby at home?

We understand that taking a photo of a baby can be difficult, but we want to help you in any way we can, so that is why we created this guide:

  • Prepare your baby for this situation! It is a good idea to feed the newborn and to let your baby sleep first, so that they are well-rested and well-fed before your photo session.
  • We recommend laying your baby on a white sheet (previously ironed) in a location with bright, natural light.
  • Place the camera phone around 1-1.5 metres away from your infant and take a picture from above.
  • You can support the baby’s head with a hand or a rolled blanket (which cannot be visible).
  • If you have troubles with your child not looking in the right direction, try to hold a toy over the camera, in order to get your baby’s attention.
  • Remember about: lighting, keeping the baby’s face and body straight, avoiding shadows, and having no toys or dummies on show.
  • Take your time, at home you can take lots of photos and try many times – simply to increase your chances of success!
  • Take a picture with your phone, upload it online and in a little time you can enjoy a perfectly prepared baby passport photo.

Your baby passport photo will be waiting for you in your email. But what help, exactly, can we offer?

  • We will trim your photo to the correct size and prepare it for you so that you can print many copies yourself and be certain that it will be accepted with your application.
  • Our tool will remove the existing background and professionally set a white background if needed.
  • Our photo checker also verifies other details, like the position of the head, correct location within a frame, colour and lighting.

What mistakes you need to avoid in your baby passport photo

The most common mistakes usually result in the rejection of a baby passport application. It is better for you to know them in advance and we hope this will help you to prepare yourself to avoid these problems.

Non-neutral facial expression

Children don’t need to have a plain facial expression, but a tranquil expression will increase the chances that your passport application will be accepted. Even though there are certain allowances, such as your baby grimacing or any other such faces, it is not allowed for your baby to be crying or laughing in the photo. Try to avoid this mistake, because it is one of the most difficult to overcome.

Objects and people in the photo

Nobody else is allowed in the photo other than the baby or child being photographed. Whilst you are allowed to support the head of your child you must ensure that your hand is not seen in the photo. No other obstructions or objects are permissible in the photo, no blankets, dummies, toys, or even a fragment of the bed you are taking the photo on. If you do not have a clear and unobstructed shot, with no objects, then your photo will have no chance of being accepted, so be sure not to make the mistake of not following these simple rules.

Head covering

If you are taking a photo at home, then we believe that this mistake is very easy to avoid, but you must remember that your baby cannot wear anything on their head, nothing that covers their head, face, or forehead. No hats, caps, or even pretty bows are allowed. Glasses are only permitted for medical needs.

Quality of the baby passport photo

Quality is one of the most important factors when it comes to submitting your baby passport photo as, even if you have followed all of the other rules and not made any mistakes, a poor quality photo will lead to the image not being of a high enough quality to use, and result in your application not being accepted. When it comes to passport photos in particular the pictures need to be of as high a quality as possible, to ensure perfect facial recognition, if you can’t see the photo properly due to poor quality then how can anyone tell who is in the photo?

In order to avoid a bad quality photo you will need to ensure that your photo has good focus, is sharp and in contrast, and is neither underexposed or overexposed. As well as these factors you also need to ensure the photo was taken without any shadows and you must not apply filters or edit the image of the person, in this case your baby, in any way, and lastly you will need to ensure it is the correct size, 35mmx45mm. In order to ensure the best photo we will help you avoid all of these mistakes and verify your photo, once taken and uploaded, and if it is invalid we will let you know so that you know to take another shot.

Last update: 14/11/2022

Frequently Asked Questions

❓ Can you take your own baby passport photo?

Yes, and if you do it right and follow all requirements then this is recommended because it relieves the child of the stress caused by going to a professional photographer.

❓ How do I take my baby's passport photo at home?

We recommend laying your baby on a white sheet, in a location with bright, natural light, and that you place the camera phone around 1-1.5 meters away from your infant and take a picture from above.

❓ Can a baby's eyes be closed in passport photos?

You may find it difficult to snap a picture of your baby with open eyes. Newborns tend to sleep a lot or have sleepy eyes. If this is the case with your baby, then your baby’s eyes can be closed a little. On the other hand, you should wait for a moment when they are opened and take a photo, to be safe you should take multiple photos and then choose the best one from there.

❓ Can the baby's hands be in the photo for a UK passport?

No, the baby’s hands cannot be in the photo, neither can the parents’ hands. The photo should show the entire face, neck, and shoulders, but nothing below.

❓ How long does a baby UK passport last?

For children under 15, the passport is valid for 5 years.

❓ What should a baby passport photo look like?

It should be in high-resolution, with a size of 35mmx45mm, in colour, sharp, and in focus. The background should be white or off-white and the photo should show the entire head, neck, and upper shoulders with the baby preferably facing the camera.

❓ Do baby passports need photos in the UK?

Yes, a photo is required in every case. Each infant must have an individual passport document with a baby passport photo showing their likeness.

About the document

Baby passport in the UK

All British children are required to have passports if you plan to travel with them abroad. An infant passport in the UK is a travel document that affirms the child’s British citizenship and confirms the child’s identity.

How to obtain a UK infant passport document?

In England, you can apply for the passport online (£49) or at the post office (£58.50). Keep in mind that parental responsibility for the child is required for filing the application to obtain the document. If you are applying online, it will take up to 3 weeks to get a new infant passport. If you are applying via mail, it will take longer. In the event of exceptional circumstances, a child’s passport can be obtained more urgently. Online application forms can be submitted through www.gov.uk. The document must be signed by someone with parental responsibility and if your child is between 12 and 15 years old, he or she must sign it as well. Supporting documents should consist of:

  • 2 (two) identical photos or 1 (one) digital,
  • child’s full birth or adoption certificate,
  • proof of British nationality,
  • valid passport if the child possesses any,
  • any relevant court orders.

What documents are necessary for a baby passport photo?

When applying online you need to submit:

  • a digital passport photo of the child,
  • a filled out online application,
  • all supporting documents,
  • credit or debit card payment.

When applying by post you are required to attach:

  • completed paper passport application,
  • 2 (two)identical passport photos of the baby,
  • all other supporting documents.